PROCEEDINGS INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR “Religion and Religious Education In Postmodern Era”

We are very pleased to introduce the proceedings of the International Seminar on Religion and Religious Education in Postmodern Era (ISRREPE) organized by Institut Agama Hindu Negeri Tampung Penyang (IAHN-TP) Palangka Raya on 5th November 2018 at Aquarius Boutique Hotel PalangkaRaya, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. The general purpose of the International Seminar is to achieve the views of religions and religious education in the postmodern era. Besides, the specific objective is to understand the views of Islam, Christian, Hindu, and Buddhism in the postmodern era; to know religious life in the global context, and to know the contemporary issues and issues related to the global context. Therefore, some selected papers that have gone through a rigorous selection process published in this proceeding.
Institut Agama Hindu Negeri Tampung Penyang Palangka Raya
Bekerjasama dengan:
Jayapangus Press
Anggota IKAPI
No. 019/Anggota Luar Biasa/BAI/2018
Email :
ISBN: 978-602-53492-1-8