Prototype Of Society According To Mahatma Gandhi


  • I Ketut Wisarja Institut Hindu Dharma Negeri Denpasar


ethical principle nonviolent prototype of society


The model of society that Gandhi was about to build was a manifestation of the teachings of religiosity or religious beliefs, where each individual jointly carried out his life activities in society as a holy dharma. As a dharma, then each individual must be able to overcome all the potential of his greed in developing the ethonomization of his individuality to realize common interests. The idealization of society that Gandhi hoped was inseparable from his human perfection as the core of the constituent community. For Gandhi, the ideal society was what Indian society called the ashram. This article examines Gandhi's thinking about idealized community prototypes because life in the ashram contains a set of ethical principles derived from the culture that forms the construction of society. The root of the culture is then upheld as a life principle that must be obeyed by all ashram citizens as an exemplary community, without exception. The goal is to uphold the principle of a fraternity of mankind, human values ​​that are the culmination of every form of service, upholding that all human beings are essentially the same and sibling. The principle of all humanity is sibling becomes the morality in society idealized by Gandhi.


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