The Interconnection Between Law, Moral, and Religious In Our Nation And State


  • Jefry Tarantang Institute Islamic State Of Palangka Raya
  • Muhammad Sugianoor Institute Islamic State Of Palangka Raya
  • Normida Ayu Reta Ningsih Institute Islamic State Of Palangka Raya


Interconnection Law, Moral and Religion


The research studies are elaborating on relations and relatedness of law, moral and religious in our nation and state of the study in philosophical, juridical, and sociological. Indonesia is a country that Pancasila comes first of belief in the only one and article 29 paragraph (2) the constitution 1945 said the state guarantees independence every inhabitant to hug his religion each and to worship according to his belief and his trust. It proved that between law, moral, and religion could not be released in other lives of many Indonesians. Law, moral, and religion are constituting a unit that cannot be separated in order lives of many Indonesians. Between law, moral, and religion has a tightly that of the three mutually reinforcing each other by its function and each portion. Philosophically, a religion is ascertained having moral and obeyed. This based on a reality empirical sociological that in training any religious no who teaches of what wrong or guilty. It cannot be denied that there is an interconnection between law, moral and religious in society developing our nation of Indonesia religious.


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