Local Wisdom as The Basis For Morality Education in Maintaining The Harmony of Religious Plurality at Tewang Tampang Village


  • Ni Nyoman Rahmawati Universitas Udayana


Local Wisdom, Morality, Religious Plurality,


Indonesia as archipelago state with various different customs and cultures and plurality in religion is very susceptible to conflict which leads to disintegration among society. Therefore it requires an effort to link existing diversities through morality education based on local wisdom values as the result of research conducted at TewangTampang Village in Regency of Katingan, in which its people always lives in Concord and harmony despite the difference in religion. This concord and harmony are reflected in their togetherness in social interaction such as in practising ritual tradition, a celebration of religious holidays, and other activities. Therefore the aim of this writing is to describe the form of concord and harmony of life diversity by people at TewangTampang Village who lives in religious plurality, to analyze the form of local wisdom which becomes the basis of social interaction in everyday life, and its implication to the attitude of diversity by people at TewangTampang Village. Data in this writing is acquired through interview result and literature study from previous research’s results. The result of the research shows that the Concord and harmony at TewangTampang Village occur in the form of diversity social interaction such as in the practising of family ritual (family tradition), a celebration of religious holidays, and other religious activities. This harmony is happening due to the philosophy of humabetang as Dayak’s local wisdom which is still followed up to present such as the values of equality of fellow human beings, brotherhood, kinship, the value of belombahadat and hapakatbasara (dialogue for consensus). These values become the basis for social interaction along with the teaching of religious morality so it has implication towards the communicative attitude of diversity and put forward dialogue in resolving the existing problems.


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