Gerakan Literasi Sekolah: Strategi Membangun Habitus Literasi Di Sekolah Dasar Sebagai Upaya Menanggulangi Hoax


  • I Made Astra Winaya Universitas Dwijendra Denpasar


Children's education at the elementary school level needs serious attention in an effort to produce quality human resources. Simmering from several developed countries in the world that have human resources that are competent cannot be separated from the reading culture (habitus) that has been accustomed from an early age. The School Literacy Movement which is a breakthrough made by the government in forming habitus on students needs support from all components of society. The stages of implementing the School Literacy Movement are divided into three stages, namely: (1) the reading habit stage, (2) the stage of developing reading interest, (3) the stage of literacy-based learning. The three stages if done optimally will certainly form a children's reading culture from an early age. The culture of reading from an early age is very helpful in overcoming unsettling fake news (hoaxes) in Indonesian society. By having a reading culture, the information received will refract someone to filter first by comparing from various sources before spreading it to others. From the observation of the author, the implementation of the School Literacy Movement has begun to show its echoes, because it has begun to be felt nearing the goal of implementing the School Literacy Movement to create and improve reading culture. The penchant for reading in students began to be seen, although it was not comprehensive so that the improvement of the process of implementing the School Literacy Movement needed to be supported by all the components involved and providing adequate supporting facilities


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