
  • I MADE SURADA Institut Hindu Dharma Negeri Denpasar


Sraddha and bhakti derive from Sanskrit in which Sraddha means confidence, trust, while bhakti is adherence and affection. Values of Sraddha and bhakti (imtaq) in learning according to Hinduism teaching  have base and emphasize on the reflection of Panca Sradha,  belief in God of Brahman / the infinite, Atman, Karmaphala, Punarbhawa, and Moksa.

Basically the target of national education  is to improve the quality of human being in the case of fear, intellectuality, domination of science knowledge and skill of adjustment of technology. But can reach by the target of education in the field of belief in God is a long way off from which is expected. Commonly, education is merely processed in the brain with no ouch in God which will produce children with the characters of individualist, materialist, and disintegration of liver and brain. Thus will produce the generation who will totally separate science and religion.

Therefore, the required education system should have values bases  on spiritual (sraddha and bhakti). Science and technology aimed at improving people’s quality through skills and imtaq and godfearing is improving one’s quality in terms of their wisdom or moral values..

Assorted values of sraddha and bhakti are able to be adapted for study items such as candidness, justice, sincerity, patience, care, forgiveful, cooperation, respect, fatherland love, and others.

Learning strategy in applying values of sraddha and bhakti to be more functional and have a meaning to student should cover five approach dimensions namely consequence, inferential, ideological, rituals and intellectual.


