Membentuk Karakter Siswa Sekolah Dasar Melalui Pendidikan Alam Terbuka
Pendidikan Alam Terbuka, Karakter SiswaAbstract
Primary school education today is more oriented towards the development of knowledge and skills with little emphasis on good character. The teaching process is sometimes a failure of communication, where the subject matter presented teachers cannot be accepted by the students to the optimum state, this can happen due to lack of holistic delivery of the subject matter covers all the needs of students so that they are interested at the subject matter. The impact then is declining elementary school student's motivation to learn. And with the development of globalization characterized by the rapid growth of a variety of media information and communication technology require students a strong character to be able to ward off a variety of information and communication that is not good. Character formation of primary school students, one of which can be done with a holistic education that is able to stimulate and guide the students on various indicators of character that is religious, to think and act logically, critically, and creatively, honest, innovative, curious, capable of solving simple problems, love and care for the environment, love of science, work in teams, discipline, self-confident, independent, responsible, able to work, and appreciate the differences of opinion.
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